Being A Life Coach: The different focus areas for clients

With being a Life Coach there are many different focus areas and niches when working with clients. It can be beneficial to identify if there are any specialisms as a Life Coach you wish to focus on.
Header – Being A Life Coach The different types and focus areas for clients


Within our blog post we will look at the different types of Life Coaches and the types of goals and approaches each may have. This will help with planning how you wish to structure your sessions.

Along with if any further resources are needed in particular areas in the future. Particularly if looking to grow your coaching business whether it be with expanding your own skills and knowledge or bringing more Coaches into your company to work alongside you.

Our post will help to identify if wish to make any changes or plans for your coaching business.

Why have focus areas?

Life Coaches provide much needed support to clients who are ready to embrace having support and understanding to help them reach their goals or make changes in their life. It can be a very broad range of reasons why a potential client may be looking for a Life Coach.

Therefore, they may seek to find a specialist in a particular type of coaching. So, a Coach may want to showcase being the right Coach to meet their needs in that area and it also could help to stand a Coach apart from their competition.

There are many different types of focus areas and niches in life coaching including mindset, health and wellness, personal development, financial and relationships. We will look below at these in more detail.

Personal Development

Life Coaches often support clients with their personal development goals. This area is often related to aspects in a client’s life which they have realised they want to address and develop within; however, do not feel they have the knowledge to achieve that alone.

Having a Coach who can help support them by understanding what specifically they want to develop on. To then shape a plan together of small specific goals to work towards reaching their personal development goals.

Areas of focus within personal development could include having a clearer understanding on coping mechanisms to help with recovering from a habit or addition. Through to having specific goals in mind they want inspiration on, which they have struggled to achieve by themselves thus far.

Health and Wellness

Over recent years for many clients having a strong awareness and personal focus on health and wellness has become incredibly important, which Life Coaches can provide the support and guidance within this area to help.

Examples of reasons a client could look to have a Coach for this area includes to focus on making healthier choices to help improving their health and wellness.

Such as needing support from a Coach with better sleep management, exploring or deepening their spirituality, introducing healthy habits to help their mental health or weight/fitness goals.

Strong Mindset

Clients could be seeking a Coach to help them build on their mindset to improve areas of their life which they are having struggles with. Coaches can be there to help them make huge transformations in their life over time with supported sessions and tasks.

Areas of focus to help build a strong mindset for clients could be helping with their confidence and self-esteem, right through to wanting to reassess their life purpose.

Due to events in their life either for themselves or around them, may have resulted in needing a Coach to help them re-focus their view of the world and their purpose within it.

There are many approaches a Coach could take to help reach the goals and address challenges a client is having with their mindset. For some clients they may already have an idea of how they want you to help or be happy to be guided fully by your coaching program.

Financial Focus

A niche which a Life Coach may wish to focus on is helping clients with financial challenges and areas they need support with.

This could include helping to address and change long standing viewpoints on money or financial stability which aren’t viewed as healthy in the clients’ eyes and would like to improve with your coaching support.

Another area with a financial focus to coaching would be helping support with budgets and goal setting to help them with having an effective view and feeling towards how they look after money and their beliefs surrounding it.


For many clients over their life may have come across challenges or experiences that will lead them to need the guidance of a Coach to help with relationships. Either with helping with current relationships or to support being in the right mind frame for embracing new relationships in the future.

A Coach can support in this area across any relationship a client needs guidance with. It could be family members such as parents or siblings, a partner be that current or previous partner(s) or friends.

Typically, with goal setting and session planning clients will usually seek to build on creating, developing and/or improving on relationships. With the aim to have a healthy and better functioning relationship, which the client may already have a pre-determined view of how they define that for their relationships.

Choosing Focus Areas

To deliver the best coaching service to your clients it will help to do some research on a few areas to double check it is the right focus areas for your coaching business.

Firstly, looking at the competitive landscape to see and identify areas which there is demand and space for your business to excel within to be able to take on new clients.

It would be worthwhile to look at your own strengths, experiences and current knowledge so feel confident that your coaching business will stand ahead of your competitors for clients to reach out to your services first.

You may find certain niches and focuses naturally suit your interests and approaches to coaching. Equally it may be that you identify knowledge gaps you wish to focus on to help expand your coaching business further into new focus areas.

Being an Exceptional Life Coach

Once you have established if you wish to focus or niches of being a Life Coach. It is important as your business grows to have the right management and processes in place. Using an effective coaching software will help you to take care of any admin, like having your own PA.

Whilst giving the structure to plan your sessions, tasks and goals with each client. Making it bespoke to each client and focus area as needed. With coaching software it gives you back time to help you focus on bringing on more clients to your business.

CoachHive provides the exact support and central management needed to help be an exceptional Life Coach in any area of niche or focus, due to the tools and control it provides. It is there to help you to excel in growing and scaling your coaching business as you wish to.

How Can We Help?

We hope our blog post has been helpful to get a deeper understanding of the different potential focus areas and niches within being a Life Coach. Each with their different approaches and end goals for your client.

As mentioned above, CoachHive provide various tools and resources which can be used to help you learn more about different Life Coaching focus points. Whilst providing the coaching software designed to help both Coaches deliver a personal level of service, without having excessive admin to give you the ability to scale the business successfully.

If you would like to learn more about how how we can help your coaching business please feel free to read  more about what we offer or about CoachHive itself on our website.

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